Provides UAE national statistics and socio-economic datasets for public policy and transparency.
SSENEnergy Open Data Portal
Shares data on electricity networks, power distribution, and infrastructure planning.
MOEIGovernment Data Portal
Provides data on energy, sustainability, and infrastructure in the UAE.
DXCONNECTGlobal Health and Diagnostics Data Portal
Provides data and insights on diagnostic solutions for infectious diseases.
OPEN DATA NIGovernment Data Portal
Provides open datasets on a wide range of topics to support transparency and innovation in Northern Ireland.
Marcus institueResearch Data Portal
Offers datasets and tools for global health and infectious disease research.
Hounslow Community PortalGovernment Data Portal
Offers datasets on local government services and community statistics.
Open SpendingPublic Financial Data Portal
OpenSpending is a free, open and global platform to search, visualise and analyse fiscal data in the public sphere.
EITITransparency Data Portal
Shares data on revenues, payments, and governance in the extractive industries.
FiveThirtyEightData Journalism Portal
This is a replica of using PortalJS.
CO2 PPMFrictionless Data
Progressive open-source framework for building data infrastructure - data management, data integration, data flows, etc. It includes various data standards and provides software to work with data.
Github DatasetsData Catalog
A simple data catalog that get its data from a list of GitHub repos that serve as datasets.
Hatespeech DataSocial Research Data Portal
Datasets annotated for hate speech, online abuse, and offensive language which are useful for training a natural language processing system to detect this online abuse.