Enabling Direct File Uploads via API in CKAN with Cloudflare R2
Files and Modifications Required:
- logic/action.py – Contains API endpoints for generating pre-signed URLs.
- plugin.py – Registers the new API actions.
- Dockerfile – Installs the ckanext-s3filestore dependency.
- .env – Enables the s3filestore plugin in CKAN.
This setup allows users to upload resources directly via the API while seamlessly integrating with Cloudflare R2 storage. 🚀
1. API Endpoints Setup in logic/action.py
Create or modify logic/action.py to include the following API functions:
from ckanext.s3filestore.uploader import BaseS3Uploader
from ckan.plugins.toolkit import get_action
import ckan.plugins.toolkit as tk
import ckan.logic as logic
import logging
ValidationError = logic.ValidationError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _generate_presigned_url(resource_id):
uploader = BaseS3Uploader()
s3_client = uploader.get_s3_client()
bucket_name = uploader.bucket_name
object_key = f"resources/api_uploads/{resource_id}"
params = {
'Bucket': bucket_name,
'Key': object_key,
presigned_url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url(
ExpiresIn=3600 # URL expires in 1 hour
return presigned_url
except ClientError as e:
log.error({"error": f"Failed to generate presigned URL: {str(e)}"})
raise ValidationError({"error": f"Failed to generate presigned URL: {str(e)}"})
def resource_upload(context, data_dict):
resource_id = data_dict.get('id')
if not resource_id:
raise ValidationError({"id": "Resource ID is required to generate upload URL."})
resource = get_action('resource_show')(context, {'id': resource_id})
presigned_url = _generate_presigned_url(resource_id)
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"Error generating presigned URL: {e}")
raise ValidationError(f"Error generating presigned URL: {e}")
return {"presigned_url": presigned_url}
def resource_create(up_func, context, data_dict):
result = up_func(context, data_dict)
resource_id = result.get("id")
if not resource_id:
raise ValidationError({"id": "Resource creation failed, no ID returned."})
presigned_url = _generate_presigned_url(resource_id)
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"Error generating presigned URL: {e}")
raise ValidationError(f"Error generating presigned URL: {e}")
result["presigned_url"] = presigned_url
return result
2. Register API Endpoints in plugin.py
Modify plugin.py to register the new actions:
from ckan.plugins import implements, SingletonPlugin
from ckan.plugins.interfaces import IActions
class CustomPlugin(SingletonPlugin):
def get_actions(self):
return {
'resource_upload': resource_upload,
'resource_create': resource_create,
3. Install ckanext-s3filestore Dependency in Dockerfile
Modify your Dockerfile to include the following line:
RUN pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luccasmmg/ckanext-s3filestore/75b97dedc4fdbe4dd514c1bece623fd83e6cd988/requirements.txt
This ensures that ckanext-s3filestore is installed during the container build.
4. Enable s3filestore in .env
Modify your .env file to include s3filestore in the CKAN plugins:
CKAN__PLUGINS = s3filestore`
This setup ensures that:
- API endpoints for resource_upload and resource_create are added to logic/action.py.
- Endpoints are registered in plugin.py.
- Required dependencies are installed in the Docker container.
- s3filestore is enabled in CKAN plugins via the .env file.